Lori Pearson Kramer, MSN, CNM, Women’s Health Specialist

Lori Pearson Kramer, MSN, CNM, Women’s Health Specialist

Services & Specialties

  • Comprehensive Women’s Healthcare

  • Annual Examinations and Pap smears

  • Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy

  • Common primary care complaints: Management of acute and chronic illnesses

  • Family Planning / Birth Control of many kinds including: Oral Contraceptives; IUDs including Mirena, Kyleena, Paraguard; Contraceptive Implants such as DepoProvera, Nexplanon; Diaphragms and Rings; Hormonal Patches, etc

  • Fertility Promotion

  • Functional Medicine + Integrative Medicine

  • Urinary and Vaginal Infections.

  • Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) screening, education, prevention and treatment.

  • Hormone issues related to menstruation, fertility and menopause- including hormone replacement therapy.

  • Menstrual Conditions, such as Dysmenorrhea, Irregular Cycles, Painful Periods

  • Pessary fitting and care. Bladder and Uterine Prolapse evaluation

  • Pregnancy Confirmation, and referral to Obstetrics/Midwifery

  • Respectful care for diverse gender identities, inclusive of Transgender and gender non-binary patients

  • Diagnosis and treatment of HPV related disease, including Colposcopy and Anoscopy procedures

Lori Pearson Kramer, MSN, CNM

Women’s Health Specialist +

Certified Women's Integrative Medicine Institute Practitioner

Lori Pearson Kramer is a women’s health specialist, dedicated to providing quality comprehensive healthcare services for Women. As an integrative healthcare provider (typically viewed by health insurance companies as a Specialist-Level Practitioner), she works in partnership with you to achieve your health goals. She cares for women of all ages beginning with menstruation, including the promotion of Wellness and management of chronic diseases in adolescents, adults, and seniors. She is also adept at addressing common complaints such as weight, mood disorders, substance abuse, support for lifestyle modifications to reverse emerging disease. She also provides for common requests one would expect from a primary care provider such as prescriptions, refills, labs, imaging, and referrals.

Lori is capable of assisting with emotional and mental health support such as managing depression, anxiety, and providing episodic care as needed. Her women’s health and family planning care includes many gynecological services, hormone replacement therapy, preconception support, contraception, and more. In alignment with Mountain Spirit’s values of providing respectful care for our whole community, Lori warmly welcomes Transgender patients and those of diverse gender identities to her Primary Care practice. (Note: Since 2015, Lori has chosen to discontinue offering pregnancy support / ‘catching babies’, and refers pregnant patients to medical services and options that meet their values and health needs).

Long before my training as a Certified Nurse-Midwife, and my RN work with birthing women, I have believed that all of us can stay healthy and heal with guidance from thoughtful practitioners, and our own intelligence and knowing. For over a decade, I have built on that premise by learning and integrating natural medicine practices, and suggesting alternative methods of healing while practicing within the “whole-person” medicine framework that is the foundational training of a nurse. Now I can help people incorporate the best of all types of medicine in one place, and for that I am grateful!

Here at Mountain Spirit, we take a holistic approach. Our Primary Care Providers listen mindfully to you, your medical symptoms and needs, while reserving time to ensure they are addressed. Lori is skilled in a variety of procedures available right here in our comfortable treatment rooms. The labwork, imaging, treatments, and referrals she recommends are based on scientific evidence for the prevention and treatment of disease. We have found the services our patients receive are most successful when it is understood why they’re being recommended, and chosen based on your own values.

Lori’s care is both Patient and Person centered, with the ability to modify based on your feedback. She encourages Patients to research their own specific conditions, and as your healthcare partner she will help educate you. It’s also her job to explain the expected outcome and possible complications that might arise, so you’re able to make informed decisions.  

“I am very excited to work at Mountain Spirit Integrative Medicine! Since bringing my practice here in early 2021, I see my work here as a sincere and heart-driven next step in my career specializing in comprehensive women’s healthcare. I am thrilled to be able to offer my services to new and existing clients of Mountain Spirit, and to my former clients from over the places and years.

Let’s work together to help you enjoy your best self!”

Personal Biography 

This is my third decade in Santa Fe, a home I share with my husband Chris and my adult son Sebastian who is currently enrolled at UNM and hopes to become a doctor.

Our son Noah lives in Denver, a recent graduate in computer science, and our daughter Isabel is an executive chef in Maine. We have also recently welcomed a son-in-law (also) Noah, and a new precious granddaughter Idola.